Serie: Large Format Artworks
Technique: Latex on canvas
Size: 200 x 300 cm
Year: 2003
In ornamental symbology, the lion is assumed to be the sacred depository of knowledge and is considered a symbol of power and sovereignty, also being considered the symbol of Christ the Judge.
It can also represent gold and the sun, in this way the lion is like the sun, which destroys with its great power; but the human being who is able to defeat him will seize that power.
Another ornamental element that decorates this scroll (ornament in the form of a spiral or snail) is the fig leaf.
The highest ideogram of life was originally a fig leaf, and just as the grape has the double meaning of sacrifice and fruitfulness, wine often symbolizes youth and eternal life.
According to Mircea Eliade, the Mother Goddess was originally given the name Vine Goddess Vine, suggesting the inexhaustible source of natural creation.
For this reason, this wash on paper highlights the most characteristic features of both symbolic elements in light and shadow.
It could be condensed into the idea of the union between creation and wisdom, the knowledge that, without rest, evolves in a spiral towards the highest and sublime of the human soul.