Paint + Icons

by | Sep 16, 2022 | Group Exhibitions

PINTAR+ICONOS is a virtual exhibition and international art contest.
The guideline is the reinterpretation of a famous painting with one's own style, the use of a famous painter's style for one's own work current or a mixture of both options, with theme, technique and free style; organized by the plastic artist Ezequiel Orue.

The Artist GISELA GARCÍA-GLERIA (Argentina / Ig @ giselagarciagleria) presents us her Work «Cathedrals I«, from the Large Format Series», where using the artistic language of Peteer Neefs; plus the image of the sculpture «The Cathedral» by August Rodin.
Neefs was a Flemish Baroque painter, specialized in painting interiors of Cathedrals, and Auguste Rodin was a French sculptor, considered the father of modern sculpture.

Gisela herself tells us about her experience in PAINTING + ICONS:
«Pieter Neefs the Elder was a Flemish painter, his work dates from the first half of the s. XVII, specialist in interior architecture. His most frequent subject is the interior of churches and cathedrals, depicting both existing churches and imagined churches.
Many of Neefs's paintings were inspired by Antwerp Cathedral.
“The Cathedral”, previously known as “The Arch of the Alliance”, is a sculpture by the French artist Auguste Rodin, conceived in 1908. It shows two right hands belonging to two different figures, one with masculine characteristics and a female one, placed in such a way that they seem about to intertwine.
In my work I sought to capture this analogy, using the imposing and luminous interior of Chartres Cathedral as a background image, taking inspiration from the painting of the Interior of the Church of Saint Joris in Antwerp by Neefs, the viewer's gaze is placed in a perspective that directs towards the large rose window and, in an intentional transparency and levitation, a vision of the hands the sculpture by Rodin, slightly curved, joined at the ce Inside as a kind of vault, where the fingers evoke the ribs of the arches, pointing towards a superior center of confluence».


#PINTAR #concursodepintura #concurso #concursopintar #arte #art #pintura #dibujo #drawing #surrealismo #surrealism #arteabstracto #arteargentino #artecontemporaneo #pinturaargentina🇦🇷 #pinturaabstracta #artelatinoamericano #arteexpresionista #cubism #cubismo #cubist #piccaso #arteurbano #artenuevo #expresionismo #acuarela #watercolor #paisaje #figurativo


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