Dr. Bill Lumsden Portrait

Retrato del Dr. Bill Lumsden
Serie: Whisky World
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50 x 60 cm
Year: 2022


Inspired by a photograph by @glenmorangie


In a conversation with Rusty Figgins over a year ago, the idea of doing the portrait of Dr. Bill Lumsden came up.
It took me time to find the opportunity to do it, giving him the attention and dedication he deserved.
Finally I managed to meet that challenge, in this new work, a tribute to a great whiskey industry.

Director of distillation, creation and shares of The Glenmorangie Company, recognized and multi-award winning, talented and creative, an icon of the world of whiskey, his personal imprint has left a unique mark on the history of the most important Scottish spirit.